Welcome to Bostwick Park Water Conservancy District

Cimarron Canal And Reservoir Company
Cimarron Canal And Reservoir Company
To all water usersAll of the water will be turned out of the canal on November 1, 2024 for fall maintenance on the canal. There will not be any water in the canal after that time until next year for the irrigation season.
To all water usersAll of the water will be turned out of the canal on November 1, 2024 for fall maintenance on the canal. There will not be any water in the canal after that time until next year for the irrigation season.
The outflows in silverback have been switched to the bypass valve for winter flows into the Cimarron River.
The headgate was closed on Sept 20,2024 to begin filling for 2025 irrigation season.
Orders for water are due no later than noon Monday for the week
The reservoir did not spill in 2024. The usable storage water extended the direct flow water for around 2 Weeks. The amount of water in the reservoir was around 475 Acre Feet.
The grant to form a watershed group for the Cimarron and Blue Creek area has been completed and the final report submitted.. The watershed group is now on its own and no longer associated with BPWCD. The watershed group is a 501C3 non-profit. This designation allows the contributions to the group to be tax deductible. This watershed group will work to improve the entire Cimarron and Big Blue Creek watersheds. The group is currently working with the Big Blue Ditch company to secure a grant to install a new diversion out of Blue Creek and pipe the first 2 miles of the main canal. The watershed group received a grant from the Colorado River District to do the preliminary studies and engineering required and prepare a grant for federal money from the BOR to complete the project
The FONSI (Finding of No Signifiant Impact) was signed and the project began on November 7, 2022. The contract to purchase the HDPE pipe, for the project was awarded to Secor. The Bostwick Park Water Conservancy District will be the general contractor for this projected more employees and equipment have been added to complete this project. This project consists of piping the entire length of the Shinn Park Lateral and the Waterdog lateral (40,550 feet). We are installing pipe ranging in size from 36" to 10" , installing a Caonda screen, and a water cleaner incorporated into the intake structure for this project. This project will conserve a considerable amount of water, because these two laterals have significant seepage. The first phase of this project is to complete the intake structure and pipe the first 1 mile of each lateral. The HRP. (Habitat Replacement Project) will be completed during the irrigation season. The pipe line where it is off channel of the laterals will be installed during the irrigation season. However, this will not affect any of the water deliveries. We are planning on having the project completed in the spring of 2024, before the irrigation season. This project is 100% funded by the BOR.
The HRP has been completed. The crew is now working on installing the wildlife waterers and reclaiming the ROW. We are continuing to spray the ROW so the weeds are under control when we reseed the ROW.
The projects that are within this grant are piping of the East Lateral and completing the piping of the West Laterals, replacing and extending the conduit at Slide Point, putting a conduit across Coal Hill, and starting a conduit across Wells Basin. We are hopeful that we will be able to start construction in the fall of 2024, after the irrigation season. The piping of the East Lateral and the completion of the West lateral will be the first projects on the project list.
The NEPA is in the final stages for approval. We hope to get it completed in the spring of 2025. When NEPA is completed and signed we will be able to begin the next phase that will be completing engineering for the projects and getting NRCS approval.
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